French Wine Tasting

Monard Wines. Passeig de Vilafranca 20 - Mapa ikusi
2025/03/19 19:30
Antolatzailea Monard Wines

Zure sarrerak erosi


50,49 €
Azken prezioa. Kudeaketa-gastuak eta entradium bermea barne.
0,00 €
0,00 €

Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

Immerse yourself in the elegance of French wines at Monard Wines. This special tasting event will take you on a journey through France’s renowned wine regions, featuring a carefully curated selection of eight wines, each expertly paired with tapas and artisanal cheeses.

Tasting Experience

Aperitif: MAS DE DAUMAS GASSAC Frizant Rosé (Pays d'Hérault)

1 RUMEURS Rosé 2023 (Méditerranée)

2 QUINCY 2023, Domaine Mardon (Loire)

3 BOURGOGNE ALIGOTÉ 2021, Buisson Battault

4 VIOGNIER DE ROSINE 2022, Stéphane Ogier (Côtes du Rhône)

5 CÔTÉS DU RHÔNE 2023, Roger Sabon

6 PONT DE GASSAC Rouge 2022 (Vin d'Hérault)

7 CHÂTEAU DU COURLAT 'Cuvée Jean Baptiste' 2020 (Lussac-St-Émilion)

8 BOURGOGNE HAUTES-CÔTES DE NUITS 'Au Vallon' 2022, Michel Gros

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